Horde Quest Guide: The fastest leveling for WOW bad guys

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As an undead rogue, I consider myself one of the bad guys of World of Warcraft, taking a bite of the worthless alliance at any time… literally! However, with the arrival of the new expansion, WOTLK, the game gained new dimensions and I had to recast a Death Knight (pretty silly huh) like many other players, to see what they are made of and such. time to explore a new FUN idea. The idea of ​​leveling up a character never really appealed to me anyway, as I’m a PvP addict, so I had to take advantage of a horde quest guide.

I have to admit I was quite embarrassed at first to use such an instrument, but as a newbie to PvE it really came in handy. “The Thing” helped me choose the best quest path to maximize XP gain. Not only that, it had a very suggestive MOD that showed me the path and the step I was about to take at all times. I also learned the best spec for missions which made it easy for me to fly through the levels. This way, I burned through all the XP to 80 in much less time than I expected.

After reaching level 80, I realized that using a horde quest guide not only helped me level up faster than I ever imagined, but it even made leveling up a much more enjoyable experience. . Before, when I created a character, I would just kill mobs for endless hours in the nearest camp I could find. I also let my characters “sleep” at some inn for a few days to rest so I would get double XP when I grind again. That was just wishful thinking, a waste of time really.

In the end, I have to conclude and say that a horde quest guide was so far the fastest leveling solution for me. So, not only if you are a PVP addict like me or one of the super raiders, it will certainly help you reach the end game content you want, in no time.

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