How my life changed after starting a podcast

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Ever wish there was an easier way to reach your customers or existing customers?

Do you wish there was an easier way to reach others who could become your customers or clients?

If you have an outreach ministry, a church, or a business, we have the same problems, right? Reaching more people!

When I entered the ministry in 1995, I thought I could book a hotel room, promote the meeting in the newspaper and on the radio, and fill the seats.

And in six meetings that first year, thousands of people stayed away!

I could put all the attendees of our first six meetings on a full-size bus.

No matter what your goal is…

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to fill seats in a church; fill seats in an online class or drive foot traffic through your business door.

If that sounds like you and what you’ve been experiencing, I can relate. You’ve seen my story above!

What I discovered in 2009 has transformed my life…

I truly know and understand that the inspiration for what I am about to share with you came from God. I fought that in my mind for weeks…

But finally, I decided to go ahead and give it a try.

What I’m talking about is starting a podcast…

I didn’t even know what a podcast was in 2009. I called it my “online radio show.”

But, once I started, in just a few weeks, I had a following (and not just my friends and family). What he was sharing was being heard in various places in the country (and later in other countries of the world)!

Some of these people are still in contact with me 11 years later!

My ministry efforts changed from “traditional ministry” to “online ministry” simply because it was easier to do and very profitable.

Now don’t get me wrong…

I am not advocating that traditional church ministry is wrong or should change…

far from there I have helped other churches and pastors grow their ministries by reaching out to others through online media.

People today spend more time on their smartphones than listening to the radio or watching TV!

You need to meet people where they are to share information about your business, ministry, products, services, etc.

He can’t wait to be “found out”. You can’t wait for them to “find” you. You can’t wait for them to come to you! YOU HAVE TO GO TO THEM.

And Podcasting is a very cost-effective and feasible way to accomplish exactly that.

Why do you think so many big-name companies have established podcasts?

It is because they are entering the market where their clients are already operating: online!

For me, eleven years after my first “30 minute online radio show,” we have become an established online ministry resource for thousands of people each year.

Take a look at just a few of the highlights:

  • Hosted my own 30 minute radio show on AM radio across the country!
  • Founded “Evangelism Radio” in 2010 (listeners in over 160 countries and in all 50 states. Ranked #1 in the world multiple times in the Christian Talk genre by
  • He started an interview-based podcast that is approaching 1,000 episodes published in less than four years with nearly 800 interviews.
  • Founded a Christian-only podcast hosting and marketing platform (
  • He began teaching other Christians how to create and monetize their podcasts in 2014.
  • Speaking at Podcasting Conferences and Business/Leadership Conferences.
  • Numerous requests for television and radio interviews about our ministry.

I’m not saying all this to brag. It was by the Grace of God that all this has evolved. I could never, in my wildest dreams, imagine how our ministry has evolved over the years.

But it all started with me making ONE DECISION…

Find out “how to launch a podcast”.

Not just any podcast. I wanted to launch a CHRISTIAN PODCAST. That’s what my heart said.

When you follow your heart, you will be amazed at what the Lord can do with the results. If you’re starting a podcast, find out how to get started.

If you’d like to learn how to do that, check out the resource box below and let me know. I will be happy to help.

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