How to use art therapy as a means of relieving stress

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Art is therapeutic and sometimes referred to as expressive art or the psychology of art and the art therapist facilitates the application of art media, the creative process and the resulting artwork to explore your feelings, resolve emotional conflicts, increase self-awareness, manage performance and obsession, increase social skills, improve reality orientation, decrease anxiety and increase self-respect. One purpose in art therapy is to improve or restore a client’s functioning and her sense of personal well-being. The practice of art therapy requires information about the visual arts, the creative process, as well as human development, psychological and design theories and methods. It is used as a focus and means of communication. Almost any medium can be used for art therapy, including painting, drawing/sketch, sculpture, and clay modeling.

Today, art therapy is widely practiced in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, psychiatric and rehabilitation facilities, wellness centers, forensic institutions, schools, emergency centers, senior communities, private practice, and other settings. clinical and community During individual and/or group sessions, art therapists tap into their clients’ inherent ability to make art to enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Research supports the use of art therapy within a professional relationship for the therapeutic benefits gained through artistic self-expression and reflection for individuals experiencing illness, trauma, and mental health disorders and for those seeking a Personal development.

A useful treatment for people experiencing developmental, medical, educational, and social or psychological disabilities where the person has also survived trauma as a result of combat, abuse, and a natural disaster; people with adverse physical health conditions such as cancer, traumatic brain injury, and other health disabilities; and people with autism, dementia, depression and other disorders. Art therapy helps people resolve conflicts, develop interpersonal skills, manage challenging behaviors, decrease depressive stress, and gain self insight, as it also facilitates people with their social skills.

The benefits of art therapy in this type of condition can help reserved or shy people, or those who, for one reason or another, find it difficult to function in social situations. In general, the benefits of art therapy can be quite extensive. It can improve life by helping people to improve their mental, emotional and even physical state, therefore increasing the quality of life for many people, and it is worth considering whether it can help you in one way or another to enjoy the life-affirming pleasures. art creation.

The many benefits that can be experienced with the use of this healing modality are:

• Allow unspoken words to be expressed.
• Encourage building trust in a safe environment and make yourself understood
• Help increase their self-esteem and self-respect.
• Helps you gain a new and more objective perspective on your challenges
• Allows you to start experimenting with changes that can then be applied
• Provides a safe outlet for feelings like fear, guilt, hurt, anger, and anger.
• Encourages clients to make constructive decisions and gain hope for the future.
• Take advantage of inner power and use existing strengths to develop more skills that can make it easier for them to manage emotions and complex circumstances in other areas of life.

Art therapy can help children and adolescents to process:

• Experiences of grief, loss, or separation
• Trauma and developmental stress
• Life transitions
• Injuries/accidents
• Birth of a brother
• Separation/divorce of parents
• Hyperactivity
• Physical, learning or invisible disabilities
• Emotional problems (fear, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, anger, etc.)
• Behavior problems (aggression, withdrawal, impassivity, tantrums, etc.)

It could simply be the act of performing an artistic expression on your own or with others, or possibly seeking professional help with a qualified art therapist. Either way, the benefits of art therapy make it worth exploring as a healing mechanism.

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