Increase Internet speed: is the bottleneck inside or outside your computer?

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Very often, people want to know if they can increase the speed of the Internet while surfing the net. It makes sense to want to find this out if your PC just doesn’t seem to be as fast as it used to be when online. Of course, what we’re talking about here is a computer that has a broadband connection. So what happens when a broadband connection starts to act like a dial-up? In this article, we will answer this question.

There are such things as software programs, even free programs that will test the speed of your broadband connection. The problem with these programs is; If your computer’s internal components or operating system are not performing to their full potential, the Broadband Speed ​​Tester will give you inaccurate results. Also, I have been burned too many times by free programs that have come onto my computer with spyware attached. So I don’t use them anymore.

Call your provider

I’ve come to the conclusion that if you suspect your Internet service has become slower than it was before, call the cable company that provides your broadband service. Very quickly, they can tell you exactly what your speed is and even what it used to be. Directly over the phone, they will let you know if your service is up to the speed they are contractually obligated to provide. If there is a problem, many times they will fix it before you hang up the phone. I know there are a lot of people who are hesitant to deal with their cable provider over the phone; however, from my point of view, it’s easier than dealing with spyware.

If your cable connection is up to scratch, the problem is obviously somewhere inside your computer. I’d bet dollars on donuts; the problem would be in the realm of the windows registry. I’d also bet, more dollars for less donuts, cleaning the registry with a registry cleaner will fix the problem. In fact, I have seen this to be the case on many occasions.

But everything else is fine

It is possible, even with Windows problems, for the computer to start up quickly, shut down as it should, and perform functions like Word or Paint perfectly, but still not browse the web even half as fast as it used to . The reason this could happen is because the corruption in the registry is directed at software in the Winsock area of ​​your operating system. Winsock is the part of your operating system that directs the flow of information to and from your broadband connection.

In extreme cases, I even had to rebuild the Winsock when the problem got so bad that the computer couldn’t even establish an online connection. This is rare, and if the computer is just slow online, but makes a connection, I wouldn’t worry about it. Just run a registry cleaner and everything will probably be back in order in a few minutes.

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