Internet and computers, a game changer: AI, robotics, biotechnology and nanotechnology are next

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It has often been said that whoever controls the media controls the minds of the people. The printing press gave an advantage to those who used it. Today, those who control information have almost unlimited capacities to control and capitalize on that information. Therefore, information technology has changed the rules of the game in almost all sectors since its arrival. The era of big data is now a game changer. Okay, so who owns the future in the next period?

Well, let me try, but first to get you up to speed on this topic, why not read this book next?

“Who owns the future?” by Jaron Lanier, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 2013, 416 pages, ISBN: 978-145-16549-67. Also author of “You Are Not a Gadget”, which was one of his first books, published by Vintage Press, 240 pages, 2011, ISBN: 978-030-738997-8.

The author now works for Microsoft Research, before having worked with all kinds of corporations that use information to drive sales: he has worked with algorithms for high-frequency transactions and sophisticated computers for insurance companies that determine risk by analyzing all the big data. in your waste. He has seen companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook move ahead of the competition; companies like Cisco, Oracle and others build the systems to take the game to the highest levels.

Well, and this makes sense, your knowledge, experience, and observations are relevant for the future and in hindsight. Now, what will happen in the future? Will big data continue to dominate the world or will AI, robotics, biotech and nanotech take the lead? Well, I suppose I could tell you, like Jaron Lanier, that in those industries, big data will help the companies that make the most of that data to come out on top and control and own those industries.

Consider the importance of big data and computing power for artificial intelligence. Without computing power it’s not useful at all, right? The same goes for robotics, and you have to merge AI with robotics to reach the full potential there, again big data is very important for success. In BioTech the same thing, we already see that, right? DNA is not simple, it takes computing power to figure it all out. Materials science is simple in concept, but complex to make it work for you. It seems that big data and information technology will rule the game in the next era, doesn’t it? Please consider all this and think about it.

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