invincible brass

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Music is woven into the tapestry of life and has been for so long that we sometimes take it for granted. Imagine watching a movie like Star Wars without a soundtrack. Music adds another dimension to the mood of a movie, sets the story in a time frame, and heightens our responses to the action on the screen. We are transported to the past and the future by well-crafted musical scores.

The role of brass instruments in movie themes is obvious to anyone who has seen epic movies like Spartacus, Exodus, and Raiders of the Lost Ark; just a few in a long line of adventure stories whose action and suspense have made a huge impact on moviegoers. Half a century ago, everyone recognized the raucous themes of Woody Woodpecker and Bugs Bunny cartoons, performed by big bands of the 1950s. An entire generation grew up in an era of orchestrated brass music, thanks to a man named Glen Miller. . In the 1960s, Henry Mancini’s scores set the standard for mysteries, combining brass and electric guitar into an innovative, powerful sound for thrillers like the detective series Peter Gunn and Dragnet.

Brass musicians should rent the movie, Paris Blues, and hear the great trombone and saxophone playing in this classic jazz movie. On a more modern note, listen to the theme from the movie Hook; Peter Pan revisited: with trumpets, euphoniums, flutes. In the 21st century, we saw and heard The Shawshank Redemption, The Last Castle and Independence Day, movie themes that showcase the deep, smooth and timeless sound of brass instruments.

Avatar and 2001’s A Space Odyssey used electronic metal music extensively and very effectively. Brass players can also enjoy virtuoso performances in videos such as the Annual Brass Band Championship, Alison Balsom, “Last Night of the Proms” (trumpet) and Tine Thing Helseth, “Fanfare” (Nobel Peace Prize Concert , 2007. Enjoy!

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