Manilow Magic

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Barry Manilow is simply one of the most amazing guys to ever walk this earth.

His achievements are stellar. By 1978 he had 5 albums on the charts simultaneously, putting him in the same group as Frank Sinatra, Herb Alpert, Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen and Johnny Mathis. In 1970, Frank Sinatra famously said barry “He’s next.” His Las Vegas show was sold out for 5 years. Add to this numerous top ten hits, platinum albums and God knows what else. To my knowledge it still holds the record for the fastest sale for a show on Broadway, I think it sold out in 18 minutes. However, I am talking about something much deeper and deeper than the music of him.

What is it about Barry Manilow that generates so much loyalty over the years that this fan might consider bigger and more important than all of that? The answer would be Barry Manilow.

You see, this man doesn’t just stand on a stage and perform, he cares about people. I have not been to a concert he has given without him offering words of advice and encouragement to his audience.

He always reminds people that anyone can do it if they have the courage and determination. “God Bless the Other 99” is a musical reminder that success in life isn’t always the person who has the most talent, it’s the person who hears the word “No” 99 times and backs off.

He encourages his audience to identify their dreams and follow them, based on his own experience. And sometimes, well, just once, he can really get to you in a way that makes you momentarily hesitate whether to kiss him or hit him, I’ve made up my mind now and I would never hit him! But it took a few years.

I can tell you are surprised on my behalf! “What did he do?” you’re wondering Well, I’ll tell you.

The first concert I went to was at Wembley in London in the 1980s. Princess Margaret was there and between Barry’s charisma and her diamond earrings I was dazzled the whole evening.

In the middle of the night he sat down at his piano and started playing, then stopped and leaned back. For a moment she pondered, then she took her mic off the stand, stood up and walked to the front of the stage, and said something like this (and forgive me Barry if it is not successful but this is my memory thirty years later).

“A few years ago I was having a really bad time. I thought I was a billionaire but found out I had been scammed and only had $10,000 to my name. It was a real blow and I fell very low. I talked to all my friends over and over again, until one day one of them told me something that has stayed with me ever since. For some reason, tonight, I feel like I have to repeat what he said because if there is one person in this audience who needs to hear it, it will change his life. My friend said:”

“I think we are who we choose to be.

No one is coming to save you. You have to save yourself.

Nobody is going to give you anything. You have to go out there and fight for it.

Nobody knows what you want except you,

and nobody will regret it as much as you if you don’t get it.

So don’t give up on your dreams.”

(This can now also be found in his autobiography “Barry Manilow, Sweet Life: Adventures on the way to Paradise)

I sat there feeling like someone just dropped a bomb in my lap. I had dreamed for years that my first husband would finally have the affair he had been threatening me with and leave, then I, the injured party, would receive a lot of sympathy and be released with a clear conscience. The problem is that it wouldn’t; even though she constantly reminded me how much fatter, bustier, and uglier I was than all the other lovely young ladies at work, and I wasn’t that nice either! I couldn’t see any other way out. (Give me a break here, it was 30 years ago and I was emotionally broken.)

When I heard those words, I really wasn’t sure if I could get to him I wouldn’t strangle him. In a few short paragraphs I had placed all the responsibility for my life firmly in my own lap. I was so scared, and yet… and yet… I felt absolute joy. It was such a mix of mixed feelings that I didn’t know what to do with myself and the rest of the concert was a blur. All I knew was that my life had changed and I had it to thank for it

I immediately sought help, and it took me 6 years to undo the complete destruction of the child I was when I met my ex, and create a strong, confident woman who had the courage to come out. I also had to improve my financial status because I needed to buy my own house and I had a boring, low-paying job. Also, there was no way I was going to have MY cats, so I needed to keep them safe too.

I waited those 6 years feeling better and better every day. It was a struggle at times to hold on to my strength, but I did, and I got a good job (in fact, I made more than him), filed for divorce, and kept my cats. And to this day I thank God for creating Barry Manilow.

I know some of you will laugh and mutter about your opinions on the man, his music and talent but I have two things to say to that, if so you miss the point and I’m afraid your clue. registration does not support your murmurs.

However, that man changed my life and he did because he doesn’t always focus on himself and his music, think about the people who made him famous and support his work and try to give something back. I feel as if my unwavering support has been returned a thousand times over.

Why, however, have I approached this article in such a way? Because, somewhat unkindly, people suggest that he’s not handsome enough, etc., to be who he is, which is terribly off-putting and unnecessary. However, many people suffer from the same cruelty in life, as I do.

What you need to remember is that he is who he is because of…well…who he is. it is. You may not think you’re thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or whatever form your current lack of confidence is taking, but inside you are everything you need to be, just the way he is. And you can let that out if you just stop believing what other people tell you.

Barry has been hurt many times in his life, he wasn’t born into wealth, he had to work hard for his first break and then he was beaten in the cruelest way possible, but he never gave up. As he himself says: “You can give up, you can give up, but don’t give up!”

Finally there is his charisma, which is great. The brilliance that emanates from him transcends looks, age and talent. You can be among 30,000 people and still feel like he’s talking only to you. This radiance is within all of us, as he will tell you, and each of us can let that light shine if we just figure out what we really want to do in our lives and then do it without fear or excuses.

He’s a human being, a very charismatic and talented human being, but that’s because he thinks about being that person and he remains that person. As you can.

I leave you with one final thought, which is often attributed to Nelson Mandela but actually comes from Marianne Williamson’s book “A Course in Miracles”.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, beautiful, talented? Fabulous? Actually, who are you? No be be? You are a child of God. Your smallness does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people don’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, just like children do. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we free ourselves from our own fear, our presence automatically frees others.”

I am sure that many people will benefit from the words and attitudes expressed by people like this. In particular, my perennial and undeniable favourite: Barry Manilow! Somehow I owe him my life!

If you like cosmic order or the Law of Attraction, this should also tell you that if the Universe wants to send you a message, it will!

Deb Hawken – Personal Change Manager

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