Mindfulness: make every day new

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Every morning when you wake up, you have a choice before you. You can allow your mind to continue sleeping without realizing what is happening right now. You also have the opportunity to consciously awaken your inner being to the opportunities of this new day.

If you get up early enough and turn east, you can see the light starting to break through the darkness of the night. Dawn is not a cataclysmic awakening. It begins with a hint of change moving forward. If you stay to watch, you will find that the darkness slowly dissolves and what was hidden begins to reveal itself.

If your inner self is awake when this happens, you will notice the acceleration of nature’s molecules as they come out of their slumber. If you pay attention to what is happening within you, you will notice that your own being vibrates with the possibilities of what this new day brings.

New options await you. Yes, you will need to handle the aftermath of the day before, but now you can go in a new direction. The only thing stopping you is your own unwillingness to wake up at dawn. You must come to realize that the routine of life that many fall into is simply a retreat from accepting personal responsibility for living.

No matter how you came to this world, whether with love or abandon, how you play this life is entirely up to you. To live fully with all the molecules of your being vibrating with joy, you simply need to wake up.

How do you do this? It really is quite simple. Begin with a full, languid full stretch. Tell your body that you are ready to consciously interact with the world. Notice everything in the room around you. Like? It is in the right place? Is there something you want to change? Look out your window or door and ask the same questions.

What is your emotional response to what you have asked? Are you full of excitement or dread? If you are terrified, what are you going to do about it? The choice is yours. There is nothing stopping you from starting over except your own resistance to change.

You can say, “I have responsibilities that I need to take care of.” Yes, that can certainly be true. You may be caring for or providing for people who have no one else to care for them. These can be children, spouse or partner, elderly or infirm. How do you feel about these responsibilities? Are you able to make your inner world fulfill these obligations with joy?

When you cannot change the external circumstances around you, the only thing left is to alter what you have control over. You have control over how you think and what you feel. That is a power that few people understand. Do you understand how your life will change if you focus your inner power? The details of your life circumstances may not change, but your inner world will open you up to the possibilities that only joy can bring you.

When dawn comes, notice how the light penetrates the darkness and transforms it. Allow the Light within you to penetrate you allowing you to pierce through someone else’s darkness.

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