Roselle Kefir – A Healthy, Delicious, Probiotic Water Kefir Refreshment

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Here’s some good news for soda lovers! Now you can enjoy a healthy and delicious fizzy drink – roselle kefir.

Most of us are aware of the dangers of drinking soft drinks on a regular basis. A 12 oz can of regular soda contains 39 g of sugar, which is about 10 teaspoons of sugar, usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup. Numerous studies have shown the link between regular soft drink consumption and various modern diseases. Diseases such as diabetes, kidney damage, fatty liver, pancreatic cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

Diet sodas are no better. Using artificial sweeteners like aspartame may not contain calories, but they certainly don’t fare any better. A report published in the journal ‘Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism’ in 2013 showed that diet soda drinkers suffer from the exact same health problems as those who opt for regular soda.

Most people love soft drinks for their ‘fizzy feeling’ and taste. Many also go for refreshments when they are thirsty. They find it to be a refreshing drink. Instead of rehydrating us, drinking soft drinks actually leaves our bodies in a more dehydrated condition.

water kefir soda

An excellent substitute for soft drinks is water kefir. It is less well known compared to its cousin, milk kefir. However, it is an antioxidant drink that is probiotic. It contains numerous enzymes, vitamins and minerals unlike soda which contains synthetic caramel coloring (a carcinogenic substance), phosphoric acid (causes mineral loss) and caffeine.

Many different flavors of water kefir can be made with the use of various fruits like oranges, apples, pineapples, berries, etc. A little-known water kefir refreshment that is delicious, refreshing, and nutritious is roselle kefir, accidentally discovered by the author.

jamaica beneficial

Consider the rosella. It is a flower belonging to the hibiscus family. Roselle is used in different parts of the world in alternative healing. In India, Africa, and Mexico, all aerial parts of the hibiscus plant are valued in native medicine. Infusions based on Jamaican calyxes or seeds are prescribed as a diuretic, to stimulate bile production and to treat fever. In Senegal, the use of hibiscus extract is recommended to lower blood pressure. In East Africa, the infusion of the chalice, called “Sudan tea”, is taken to relieve coughs.

Roselle contains one of the highest vitamin C contents. It contains 3 times more vitamin C than black currant and 9 times more than citrus. It is also found to have rich antioxidant (anthocyanin) properties. Fresh Jamaican calyx has been found to contain vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin B2 complex, vitamin A, niacin, and calcium.

roselle kefir

Fermenting Jamaican juice with water kefir grains makes for a truly delicious water kefir drink. Even the little ones love this refreshing drink. I have 2 year olds who ask for more after trying it for the first time. Another 10 year old was begging me to show his mom how to do it!

Some comments about roselle kefir:

“Tastes like sparkling wine!”

“Fizzy Carbonated Grape Juice.”

“My kids love it and drink it like water.”

“It’s delicious and refreshing especially on a hot day”

“This is something my kids would drink”

Get little ones hooked on water kefir soda like roselle kefir before they get hooked on dangerous sodas. With water kefir, you don’t have to worry about how much you consume daily, since water kefir helps digestion and absorption of food, as well as strengthening our immune system. In fact, water kefir has been highly recommended as a source of probiotics in the popular GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet. This is a special diet aimed at healing the intestines of children with autism or related conditions.

Making this probiotic enzyme-rich drink is very easy. The basic method is to place some water kefir grains in a glass jar of water with a little sugar, cover the jar, leave it for 24 hours, strain it and voila! The ready-to-use drink can be flavored with the addition of some fruit juices and kept in the refrigerator for a delicious sparkling water kefir to enjoy as a family.

As for Jamaican kefir, all you need to do is place the water kefir grains in a jar of Jamaican juice, leave for 24 hours, and strain. Keep it bottled tightly in the fridge for an additional day to increase its fizz. It certainly is superior to any fizzy drink in both nutrition and taste! Who needs soft drinks more?

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