STOP getting in your own way

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STOP holding yourself back


even before you start.


Do what you’ve always wanted to do.

There is something you have always wanted to do. Call your heart. You’ve been hearing this call all your life.

You may have heard it as a child, but then you “grew up” and heard what others thought about your longing…and got discouraged.

Now you are an adult. Now you can make new decisions. But… you may still be listening to the old messages, the opinions of others.

This is you?

Do you keep getting in your own way?

STOP BLAME others because you choose to listen to their negativity instead of your heart’s call.

STOP WORRYING about what others will think.


The “others” you have in mind don’t even care about you. If they really cared about you, they would want you to live your dream.

These “others” go on with their own lives based on their choices, beliefs, and fears.

They may be full of opinions and negativity about their choices.


Why your does it matter what they think?

Your personal goals and dreams are YOURS TO IMAGINE and YOURS TO FULFILL.

Who runs your life anyway?

If you allow others to decide for you because of their fears, their jealousy, their desire for superiority, then you are giving them your power.

STOP thinking about others and their opinions.

You get in your own way when you worry about what others will think.

The only one that stops you

the only one that stops you

to live your dream

Are you.

So many famous people were told “it can’t be done” because no one had ever done it before.

Inventors, explorers, artists, musicians, dancers, designers, writers, scientists, engineers, athletes… they’ve all faced ridicule and negativity at one point or another in their lives, but they chose to follow their star, their dream, and this it changed everything for them and for others who benefited from their success.

There have been people who had terrible accidents or illnesses and were told they wouldn’t survive, but they did.

There have been people who have been told they would never walk again and learned to walk.

If others can succeed, so can you.

Consider the ideas presented in this poem by Edgar Albert Guest, reprinted from The Poetry Foundation.

it could not be realized

by Edgar Albert Guest

Someone said it couldn’t be done

But he with a smile answered

That “maybe it couldn’t”, but it would be one

Who wouldn’t say until they had tried.

So he buckled in with a trace of a smile.

In his face. If she cared she hid it.

He began to sing as he boarded the thing.

That couldn’t be done, and it did.

Someone sneered, “Oh, you’ll never do that;

At least no one has ever done it;”

But she took off her coat and she took off her hat

And the first thing we knew was that he had started it.

With a lift of the chin and a bit of a smile,

Without any doubt or quiddit,

He began to sing as he boarded the thing.

That couldn’t be done, and it did.

There are thousands who tell you that it cannot be done,

There are thousands to prophesy failure,

There are thousands to point you out one by one,

The dangers waiting to assail you.

But just buckle up with a little smile,

Just take off your coat and come over;

Just start singing while you board the thing

That “can’t be done”, and you will.

So it’s all up to you.

You can decide to stop sitting on your talents.

It is up to you to decide to believe in yourself.

It’s up to you to step up, step up, take a chance, take a risk and live…


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