The Ten Most Common Misconceptions About Hypnosis

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In my experience, hypnotherapy or hypnotism is one of the most effective and proven ways to make truly positive life changes in your life, but it is often mistrusted by some people due to misleading portrayals in fictional movies. Here are my top ten hypnosis myths debunked.

1. Under hypnosis you are under the total control of the hypnotist.

In a state of hypnosis, you may be in a more relaxed suggestible state, but you are still in complete control of the situation. We are all influenced by the things we are told around us, whether it is our parents, our teachers, a doctor or the media. A hypnotherapist is someone you pay to influence you the way you want to be influenced, more confidence, more motivation, less anxiety, more exercise, less junk food, etc.

2. You could be hypnotized into doing bad things.

In hypnosis you are aware of everything that is happening around you. Therefore, you are not going to allow someone to tell you to do something that is completely against your morals.

3. Hypnosis is a magical power that should not be trifled with.

The truth is, hypnotherapists don’t have magical powers, they just know how to help you get better. In the same way that a personal trainer helps you get stronger physically, a hypnotherapist can help you get stronger mentally.

4. Listening to the hypnotherapist means that you are not hypnotized.

Again, this comes from the Hollywood myth that you are, in fact, some kind of puppet on a string under hypnosis. You need to be able to listen, otherwise you won’t get the positive reinforcement benefits of the suggestion in your mind.

5. Hypnosis will only work on certain people.

Certain people will go into a deeper level of trance than others, that’s true, but anyone who can lie down with their eyes closed, relax a bit, and listen to what the therapist is saying can have effective hypnotherapy.

6. People who are hypnotized have weak minds.

Hypnosis is a voluntary thing, if you sit there thinking I’m not going to allow myself to be in hypnosis then you won’t be, just like if you said I’m not going to allow myself to be in the stores today – you wouldn’t go to the stores. Only fear will prevent you from reaching some level of hypnosis.

7. If you’re not careful, you can get caught up in hypnosis.

I have never heard of anyone being trapped in hypnosis, although some people enjoy being in hypnosis so much that they may not come out of it. At that point, I usually say that if he doesn’t wake up now, I’ll charge him for another session, which usually works.

8. Hypnosis can be unhealthy

The vast majority of doctors and health professionals agree that the relaxation and benefits of talking to someone like a hypnotherapist is a very healthy thing to do.

9. When you are in hypnosis you are sleeping.

Everyone’s experience is slightly different, but if a client starts snoring in the relaxation chair it is because they are tired, nothing to do with hypnosis. During hypnosis, I often use ideomotor response cues, such as asking people to hold up one of their fingers as proof that they can still hear everything I say.

10. In hypnosis you can remember everything that has ever happened to you.

While it’s true that your memory recall can be greatly improved, it’s usually not necessary to go back to your life story. The importance is to relax and make the mental commitment to make the changes you want to make in your life.

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