The year 2020 A catch 22

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What began in January 2020 half a world away is where we should have known the dangers that lay ahead. But we were either misinformed or denied the opportunity to safely acquire and implement security protocols that would have minimized the disasters we face today. The levels of incompetence of the Trump Administration in response to this Global Pandemic have led the United States to the worst catastrophe since the Great Depression. The medical community is on the brink of collapse due to a lack of leadership to unify a national response to stem the continued growth of this deadly virus.

The results we are seeing across the country are a testament to the profound failure of leadership and the consequences of the public’s lack of understanding of how dangerous this health crisis really is. This pandemic should never have been able to reach the magnitude and scope that it has become. Questions need answers about why the United States has such an enormous task to try to eradicate what is now a plague that is spreading across the country.

There is a parable that fits this boom in the pandemic. The increasing rates of this disease reflect the density of the population in relation to the intensity of the number of people who are in close proximity to each other. And, how dense is the population in terms of intellect. What this underscores is that for decades our education in our schools has been suffering from a steady decline in the intellectual capacities of our youth. That today we have generational declines of the last 40 years.

When we’ve had over 70 million voters go to the polls and cast their ballots in support of candidates who have shown their intellectual deficiencies, they have fallen into the same group. Because they also show their own intellectual deficiencies. It has happened before and continues to happen today. This is just one part of a larger problem facing the United States. We are not only fighting ignorance, a deadly virus, but we are facing the largest income and wealth disparity gap in our history. The level of poverty has unleashed a torrent of misery that is only exasperating ignorance, and this deadly virus.

Today, the number of people who are homeless or facing horrible and unimaginable living conditions has only accelerated. The sweeping changes needed to curb this pandemic coincide with a one-sided approach to turning the tide of ignorance and apathy towards those trapped without the resources to avoid falling into an impossible-to-exit cycle of poverty. In all cases where there is acute poverty, there has been little or no effort to eradicate dire living conditions that parallel the worst in third world countries. And, this problem is only getting worse.

Even if this proposed vaccine succeeds in slowing the rise of this dreaded disease, it will still not resolve the nation’s imbalances that have grown and will continue to deepen the divisions that have prevented this nation from fulfilling the great promise for all Americans. Long before this pandemic, the United States was being torn apart by factors that have accelerated the rise of poverty, disease, greed, and apathy in the nations.

These underlying conditions must not only be addressed, but policies must be put in place to rectify the deplorable circumstances that millions of Americans face every day. For too long, addressing the problems that amplify the rising disease rates of poverty and poor education has been consistently avoided. If we don’t implement the reforms that would slow the rise in poverty, homelessness, disease, and poor education, this nation will continue to slide into darkness.

This past election shows that we are a nation divided against itself. Until there is a national referendum like the one that only the Ten Articles of Confederation of the National Economic Reform can generate, the deep divisions will continue. The divisions in our nation cannot produce the measured results that would lead this nation out of the great crisis that is the cause of our division. In other words, “a catch 22 situation” that we are facing today. And, the only way to solve this is by realizing that we have to educate ourselves on the merits of what the Ten Articles of Confederation of National Economic Reform will do to bring this nation together.

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