This is why you should believe in your dreams

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We’ve all heard it countless times, “Believe in yourself!”, “Believe in your dreams!”. Why and how is another matter all together. So today I thought instead of telling you to believe in yourself and your dreams, maybe I should tell you why and how to do it. Because let’s face it, when you’re down and feel like you want to give up. Even if someone told you, “Believe in yourself” or “Believe in your dreams,” you wouldn’t know exactly how to start, and even worse, exactly how to do it.

Decoding the why and how to believe in your dreams will help you know how to harness the power within you to believe. With such power you will become unstoppable and never let obstacles distract you from pursuing your goals.

The “why” is simple, if you don’t believe in something, your effort and energy towards it reflects that. If I told you to fly to the moon you wouldn’t even try unless you had Elon Musk by your side and a couple of astronauts, why? because it seems unattainable you wouldn’t believe it can be done. However, if I told you that you run a 10K marathon, you’re more likely to do it because it seems possible. When we believe that something is achievable, our conscious and subconscious minds work better and influence us to take actions that make achieving our goals possible.

All the things necessary to succeed are born from believing in the possibility of your dream coming true. Energy, hard work, resilience, failing, and trying without giving up are all the product of believing in your dream. In the absence of belief in your dreams, the actions necessary to succeed in your goal are impossible to perform.

How to believe in your dream is simple but it will require you to live more intentionally. Belief and trust are like muscle, you train muscle starting with the easiest weight. We all have things we’ve done that we never thought possible before, maybe this is finding true love or starting a career or business. Make a list of all the things that you previously thought were not possible but that you accomplished in your life. from there you should start to see that whatever you put your mind and energy into is actually possible to achieve.

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