What about Governor Rick Perry’s dress shirts?

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Let’s forget for a moment what the debates, the problems, are really about. What would it be like for you if you watched the Republican debates without sound? Would a candidate stand out based on body language? Would one stand out particularly for his wardrobe? Was it a combination of the two?

With more than 25 years of experience designing, selling and buying menswear for my own collection and that of other high-end clothing collections made in Italy, I can say that watching these debates without sound is quite interesting depending on what the candidates use for each. . For the purposes here and as you can read in the title of this article, an internet search has been conducted for the manufacturer of Rick Perry’s t-shirts. I don’t know who makes them or where they are made. I think the interest in your shirts is mainly due to the size and height of your neck compared to the other candidates.

Most dress shirts have a standard collar height at the back of 1.25 to 1.5 inches. That neck height tends to fit more people as it gives you room to move your head and not reach too high against your jaw line. If you notice Rick Perry’s shirts, his neck is getting closer or he may be two inches tall. The reason I say this, without having first-hand knowledge, is that I personally have a long neck and love a two-inch necklace. For me, it is in the right place well below the jaw line. My head doesn’t seem to be resting on the necklace. I can also show more shirt collar sticking out of the back of my suit jacket collar.

If you watch the YouTube replay of the various discussions, you can see that his neck is high and comes close to the jaw line. Because of his body shape and style, a neck that approaches two inches is too high for him. It should have a standard neck height of 1.25 to 1.5 inches. I think that would make him look more presentable and more presidential, if there is his shirt collar that makes him look like a president. I suppose that in these times it is necessary that everything goes well to win a nomination or an election. The wrong color can ruin it, as the photo can be around the world in seconds.

My conclusion, as you can deduce from the previous paragraph, is that Rick Perry needs to change his shirt. It’s not that the quality isn’t good or the fit isn’t up to scratch, but the neck styling as it relates to your body style isn’t giving you the best presentation you can have in front of the American media and public. American. Even as subtle as a proper shirt collar, it is extremely important that it be new, clean and crisp.

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