What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer and What Do They Specialize in?

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What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer

Whether you’ve been injured in an auto accident, on the job, by a defective product or due to another occurrence, a personal injury lawyer can help you recover the compensation you deserve. Personal injury attorneys specialize in civil law — specifically tort law – which deals with legal claims involving injuries or loss caused by another person’s negligent or careless actions.

A personal injury lawyer can be instrumental in establishing liability, helping you receive fair damages for your losses, and minimizing the stress that can come with an injury or illness. Many lawyers choose to focus on a specific area of personal injury law, such as medical malpractice or workplace accidents. This allows them to gain a depth of knowledge in these particular areas that other lawyers may not have the opportunity to acquire.

When you’re shopping for a personal injury attorney, it’s important to find out how much experience the lawyer has in his or her practice. You also want to find out if the lawyer has won any cases similar to yours. A lawyer who has won a lot of successful lawsuits in his or her career will have the skills and resources to take on your case and secure a favorable outcome.

The first thing a good personal injury lawyer will do is sit down with you face to face to discuss your case. They will likely ask to see any relevant documents, including police reports, hospital records, income loss information and correspondence with the insurance company, if you’ve reached that stage. They should also be able to provide you with an estimate of the amount you’re likely to be awarded in your case, based on similar settlements that have been reached in your geographic area.

What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer and What Do They Specialize in?

Once your lawyer has reviewed the facts of your case, they’ll prepare a legal document known as a complaint. This will essentially lay out all the reasons why the at-fault party, or defendant, should be held liable for your injuries and losses. They’ll also include a demand for compensation, or how much you feel you’re entitled to from the at-fault party.

Before hiring a personal injury lawyer, make sure you know what their fees are. You’ll want to find out whether they charge an upfront fee, or if they will only collect their fee when your case is successfully resolved. You’ll also need to find out if they charge for expenses, such as charges for expert witness testimony, court reporters or physician reports.

You can also find out what their policies are in regard to expense reimbursement if they’re unable to resolve your case satisfactorily. Some attorneys will cover all expenses while others will expect you to reimburse them for any out-of-pocket costs. You should also make sure the lawyer you hire is licensed in your state, and that they have a solid record of success with clients in personal injury lawsuits.

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