Why do men leave women? Four reasons why men leave women

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Couples break up all the time. Since you are reading this, it has probably happened to you and you are looking for answers to the question “Why do men leave women?” You are in the right place! Understanding the reasons men leave women is the first step to getting your ex back. You are way ahead of most people who are going through a breakup. Men and women end their relationships for different reasons. It’s often confusing trying to figure things out, especially with men. Men have the ability to say one thing and mean another. There is often more to the story than is being told. Men usually don’t outright lie about why they broke up, they just don’t give you the full picture. Yes, men can be dogs, but they are often just trying to avoid hurting your feelings.

Let’s look at some of the top reasons why men leave women:

1. Men leave women when they no longer feel like the relationship is giving them what they need. When you first got together, you probably did an amazing job of letting your man know that you admired and appreciated him. Men want to be loved. It’s an ego thing. When he feels loved, needed, or admired, a man often leaves a relationship.

two. Men leave when they feel they are being used. Taking advantage of a man’s good nature or strong work ethic or ability to provide nice things can be a deciding factor in a good relationship. Using it for what it’s worth is a stern no no. It’s a simple but powerful truth: men want to be respected.

3. Men leave when nagging is the norm. Have you ever seen The Amazing Race? There’s a couple competing this season where the wife does nothing but scold, scold, scold. No wonder they’re apart! Many men have little patience. Nagging your man can push him over the edge and make him leave.

Four. Men go by the lake of sexual activity.It is very true that men can often provoke this problem in themselves. Because men are more easily sexually satisfied than women, they sometimes don’t do a very good job of taking the time and effort to become a good lover. Making love selfishly can ruin a relationship. Quantity can become more important than quality. My advice is to be honest with yourself about your role in sexual activity and do your best to address this area if the situation arises.

Now you have some useful reasons and a better understanding of why men leave women.

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