Why people love science fiction movies

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Sci-fi movies are one of those genres that people just can’t get enough of. They appeal to people’s need to believe that there is something else out there besides us. When people need something to believe in, they turn to religion or science. Those who are inclined towards science love these kinds of movies.

People also like to ask “what if…” in different ways. Science fiction movies allow people to open their imaginations to all kinds of possibilities. What if there is life on other planets? What if that life came here to Earth? What if that way of life was bad? What if that way of life was good? All of these questions are things we ask ourselves, and these kinds of movies allow us to explore the possibilities.

Sci-fi movies are often full of things that we like in movies. There is suspense and excitement. There are battle scenes and sometimes even romance. The narration is often of high quality and thought-provoking questions are addressed. These movies often tackle topics like ethics and philosophy and can make us think for days on end.

There are many great sci-fi movies out there and they appeal to a wide audience. If you’ve never seen sci-fi movies before, check out some of these classic movies:

The Matrix Trilogy – This sci-fi movie trilogy follows Neo and his friends as he addresses the question, What if this life isn’t real? What if we have another life and the life we ​​think we are living is just a dream?

The Star Wars Movies: This movie series kept sci-fi fans on the edge of their seats for over a decade with movies that united love, ethics, power, the battle for good and evil. and, of course, the exploration of the universe.

The Star Trek Movies: Many Star Trek movies have been made in the last few decades. The old movies are just as fascinating as the new ones and the characters draw you in.

· Planet of the Apes: The first movie made in 1968 made us think about what would have happened if we had not fully evolved. In 2001 a new version of the original film was made.

ET: This is one of the first movies that got people thinking about aliens in a positive way. Kids and adults alike fell in love with this sweet alien who just wanted to come home.

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