Writing the Short Story: How to Write a Dynamic Opening for a Story

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When it comes to writing the short story there are two important structural cues to remember: the beginning and the end. Although other guidelines exist, the ‘beginning and end’ of a short story are considered among the most important for storytellers. These guidelines apply to novels as well, but with a story a writer has a limited number of words to offer an intriguing story. So how does a writer create a dynamic opening or beginning for a story?

The opening paragraph of a story should be designed to capture the reader’s imagination and inspire them to read more. The opening paragraph also acts as a critical gateway through which your reader must enter in order for him to successfully travel through your story. There are many ways to start a story: setting, character description, action, statement, idea, or asking a question.


Your setting could be a location: a windswept beach, a dark dystopian city, a magical underwater world, or a simple hobbit hole as described by JRR Tolkien on the opening page of The Hobbit – “In a hole in the ground lived a hobbit. It was not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, full of wormy remains and a slimy smell, nor was it a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing to sit on.” or eat: it was a hobbit hole, and that means comfort.” Setting the scene in the first paragraph creates a mental picture for the reader. Humans are primarily visual creatures, and since most books don’t provide pictures, how much The more dramatic you make the setting for your story, the more the reader will be able to visualize your setting.

Character description

The opening lines may introduce your main character, for example: “She leaned against the cold, damp stone wall. The heavy brass chains around her ankles chafed painfully. Her porcelain skin was now pale and drawn, with deep etched lines around his eyes. and her mouth, and her once-glorious golden hair now hung in tangled strands around her face. Her stomach growled loudly as the guard shoved some dry sandwiches through the hole in the door, but the smell of stinking prisoner urine in the next cell made her nauseate. She would be hungry tonight. A vivid description and the use of the senses: touch, sight and smell make an effective start to her story.


Starting your story with a strong action is a great option, as it pushes the reader into the heart of the story. The barking of the hunting dogs grew closer as she ran through the dense forest. Like a madwoman, she pushed her way through the low, sharp branches that scraped her skin, until she was suddenly redeemed by a blast of bright sunlight as I stumbled out of the woods into a small clearing.”

A declaration.

The iconic opening statement in Charles Dickens’ A tale of two cities is dramatic, poetic and memorable, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the age of belief, it was the age of unbelief, It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of our despair, we had everything ahead of us, we had nothing ahead of us, we were all going straight to Heaven, we were all going straight to Heaven. other side…”

Introduce an idea.

How about Jane Austen’s first line in the classic novel, pride and prejudice – “It is a universally recognized truth, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in need of a wife.” Starting your story with an idea can really get your reader thinking. Although they may not agree with your idea, they may be compelled to read on to see where this idea will take them.

Asking a question.

“Where is daddy going with that axe?” Fern said to his mother as they set the table for breakfast. charlotte’s website, E. B. White. Starting your story with a question creates intrigue in the reader’s mind. It has provided you with a question that must be answered and you must engage with the entire story to discover the answer.

I have provided only a few hints on How to write a dynamic opening for a story. It will capture your reader’s imagination.

Happy writing!

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