Category: Health Fitness

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Exercise to reduce belly fat for women at home: simple tips to lose weight

Females come in a variety of body shapes, with genetic differences between each female in height, len

The nine habits of highly healthy people

We still don’t have the perfect formula for long life, happiness, and physical health, but a li

Wrinkled Penis Skin – Causes, Treatments and Preventive Measures

A man has a lot to worry about in terms of the health and appearance of his penis, whether it’s

Burn fat, feed muscle: how to nourish your body

The human body needs the right kind of food to nourish it well and to function properly. If the body

Calories Burned Walking 30 Minutes – How many calories can you burn walking 30 minutes or a mile?

Calories burned by walking 30 minutes depends entirely on your body weight. You can easily get rid of

Vision Enhancing Eye Food For Better Eyesight – The Cantaloupe

Given the fact that vision disorders and conditions are on the rise, you’re probably concerned

Strengthen the transversus abdominis with the lying stretch maneuver

This is a continuation of my bikini body series on strengthening the transversus abdominis, called &#

Jennifer Nicole Lee Diet Program – Lose 70 Pounds or More and Become the Fitness Model of Your Dreams

Jennifer Nicole Lee, professional fitness model, Miss America, Miss Universe, and author of the fitne

The Liquid Diet: How Alcohol Can Destroy a Diet

We have discussed in the past the importance of discovering the hidden fats and calories in the foods

Understanding protein and its importance

The word “Protein” comes from the Greek word “Protos” which means “Of f