Three Different Meanings of “Breaking News”

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“Breaking News”

The following are three different uses of the term “breaking news.” These terms have different definitions and mean different things. While the word “breaking” is commonly associated with television news, it is also used in the context of other types of news. For example, a TV news show may call a particular story “breaking news.” The term “special report” is used for stories about the Flash series. While the phrase “breaking” is typically related to the latest story, other uses include stories that are “first to air” or aren’t currently available.

Another meaning of breaking news is “live” or “real time”. This definition relates to a story that happens at a particular moment, often before a mainstream news outlet has covered it. The term can also be used in the context of an ongoing story, such as a crime that has just occurred in another country or region. Some people prefer to use the term “breaking news” to describe events that are happening in their locality and in other countries.

In the United States, the term “breaking news” refers to a story that is occurring at the moment. Generally, breaking news is a story that is of immediate importance to the public. In the United States, it describes events that occur in a specific geographic region. Similarly, “breaking news” can refer to a story that is occurring in the United States that affects the entire country. It is often used to describe a story that has recently happened in another country and is of general interest to the public.

Three Different Meanings of “Breaking News”

While breaking news is a common term in news media, it can also refer to any type of news. For example, it is used to describe events that occur at a certain time. It may be referred to as a major story or a major event. It may be used to describe a story that has happened in the past year. In some cases, it is referred to as a “breaking” story even though the news organization has already reported it.

According to NBC, “breaking news” refers to a story that is occurring at a particular time. In some cases, it may be an emergency. It may also refer to a story that is affecting a large area. In the United States, it is also known as a live event. It is a term that is used to describe a story that is occurring at a time when the news media has not yet reported it.

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